Outpatient Addictions Counseling: Continuing Care

Managing emotions to gain long-term recovery.

The meaning of an addiction is not having control over a behavior to the point where it is harmful to you and, affecting the ones who care about you. In active addiction, someone has no control over whether or not they can stop despite the consequences. It takes strength, courage, and a vast amount of support to get to the point where you have complete abstinence.

Sustainable recovery happens when you have sober supports and counseling. Some incidences may trigger you to want to go back to what was once comfortable through your active addiction. This is why continued addiction counseling is crucial.  

Most addiction programs don’t show you why you started using substances or alcohol in the first place. Substances and alcohol are used to help put uncomfortable feelings like anger, depression, and traumatic experiences to sleep. I can help by guiding you to acknowledge, tolerate, overcome, and integrate those feelings. This helps to replace the automatic reaction of using alcohol, substances, or other addictive behaviors to block the feeling, with being able to manage and cope with the emotion.

Mastery of emotions are at the basis of long-standing recovery. I have worked in the substance abuse field for over 10 years. This philosophy is strong and effective when it comes to long-term recovery and addictions counseling.

Want to schedule an appointment for Outpatient recovery counseling?

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