Emotional Management Therapy NYC

Helping you gain insight into who you are, in order to encourage emotional growth.

Schedule a free 15-minute phone screening

Coming soon! Women’s empowerment group therapy! Call to find out more!

Ego, is your sense of who you are; to Develop is to evolve or mature; and Center in this context means to be present and focus on the moment.

Essentially, Ego Development Center stands for being aware of your emotional state. This is the formula for mental wellness and emotional management.

Outpatient Addictions Counseling: Continuing Care

Congratulations on achieving full abstinence and recovery! You’ve made it through the rough early stages of your recovery. It is important to be diligent in the fight against addiction. I assist in your recovery by providing methods to addressing triggers through managing your emotions. Also, I want to remind you that the only time a relapse is failure is if you don’t ask for help.

Anger Management Therapy: Discussing Anger Management Issues and Techniques.

Anger can be one of the most difficult emotions to navigate. Out of control anger is surprisingly common. It can affect our relationships, careers, and even our health. Anger is a normal human emotion. I can show you how to use anger in a constructive, relationship building way as opposed to suppressing it or being out of control. I can show you how smart your anger is, through emotional management counseling. Most importantly, I don’t want you to give up your anger.

Insecurities in Relationships: How to Connect and Build Healthy Relationships

The poet Rumi says: “Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along. What you seek is seeking you.”

I can help you establish and maintain healthy loving relationships.

Self-Identity Crisis: Answering the Question, “Who am I and What Do I Want?”

Anxiety is fear of the unknown or fear that something unfortunate will happen. How often does that comes up for us when we enter different phases in our lives? It can cause you to feel unsure of what to do next. I want to help you understand the direction you are meant to take by identifying emotions and working with them.

Contact Char for free 15-min screening

Only accepting adults 18 or older at this time.

Sessions are primarily virtual.

(718) 831-2241

All “Click Here” buttons lead to my Headway site for scheduling. Customer service at Headway will help you with billing for in-network and cash pay clients.

For scheduling: Click Here

See contact page for information on in-network providers and rates.

If you have any questions, please send me a message. I will respond at my earliest convenience.